User interview 
We conducted interviews with mothers (2 to 32 years) with babies between 0–12 months. It was important to me to understand the most important deciding factors when purchasing organic products for the family and what is the experience during this process.
I learned that...
It is essential to show the products' materials, quality, and ingredients. They will " trust " and convince themselves to buy the products through photos. 
+ Most of the possible users will be mothers for the first time. The lack of information related to the development of a baby's stages is a considerable factor affecting what products they buy. 
+ Users look for transparency in reviews/experiences of other people. They want to see real babies using the products and trust what a product can offer.

User Survey
For our research process, we decided to do interviews and surveys to better get to know what our users are looking for. Surveys are a great first look at the customer environment because they provide quantities data. We like also to do interviews to fully understand how to approach design. 
Affinity map
Using affinity mapping, I broke down the qualitative data generated from the user interviews into three separate themes and developed 1 user persona: 
Topics: Quality of the products (Values), Getting products recommendations, What you get /Shipping 

site map
First View
For the homepage, we wanted to gather the most important details for moms. That is why we focused the main page around photos: quality of the product and a baby using it.

Straight to the point
Following that our research has shown us, the page has all the important information in simple, quick access for the moms. They can see what it is inside each Tingo box, products designed for the correct development and entertainment of the baby. 
Overview of each product
We designed a space where moms can see any detail of each product. The ingredients, sizes and organic certifications are the focus of this section. 
The right product for your baby
The website provide easy access to other users reviews and their experiences with Tingo box. Also, users can provide information a specific product and the benefit that this product bring to their baby. 
Quick Purchase
Tingo Lilingo page was designed to provide instructions easy and quick. Users will have access to order a product and check the shopping cart. 

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